Thursday, July 2, 2015

Student Ministry and our Hostel Project

Student ministry is another aspect of our ministry here.  Kakamega has a very large university student population from all around Kenya.  We believe God has strategically provided us with tools for reaching this group.  The piece of land John inherited from his late father is located between two main campuses and we are developing it by building hostels which we rent out to students.  Our vision is to reach them with the gospel as well as the message of the Great Commission.  If we can plant the seed of missions in them now while they are still planning their futures we can see a rise in Kenyan missions.

The last update we shared about this building project was quite a while ago. You can read how it began by clicking here.  Since that time much has happened.  Construction has been slow for various reasons but we are excited to share that the final block of four units is complete!  Soon all 16 units will be full of students and we can begin focusing more attention on the ministry aspect rather than construction.  Relocating to Kakamega a year ago has made it possible for us to focus more attention on this project.

Laying the foundation slab for the last four units

It is has been a long road with many hiccups along the way.  John has worked tirelessly to see the fulfillment of the vision God gave him for this property years ago and we are so much closer now than ever. 
Getting bricks


Bringing a picnic to Daddy at the site

John made himself a make shift bench press and weights from cement blocks
to keep fit =)
We have plans to begin student movie night with popcorn and soda where we will begin by showing The Distant Boat Movie.  We pray this will spark conversation that will lead to follow up small groups where discipleship can grow.  And who knows from there. 

For now almost 100% of the income the hostels generate has gone back into construction and paying land rates, basically taxes, on the property.  We have hopes that this will soon change and that we can begin paying off our business partner which will lead to us being sole owners and can then manage the place according to our vision.  Up to now management of the property is divided with our partner which has caused some clash in vision and kept our hands tied to some degree. 
Putting on the roof.  Almost complete!

We want these hostels to be known in Kakamega as a moral and God-fearing establishment.  Our desire is to see the students who come to us leave having been transformed by the Gospel and made commitments to be part of the Great Commission in whatever way that looks for each individual. 

Completed units behind us!!


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