Just about an hour ago it began to rain pretty hard here and being on the fifth floor apartment it's nice and loud. The power just went out about 15mins ago so I have to finish this entry quick before the laptop battery dies out on me. Forced candle light evenings are one of the many joys and frustrations of living in Kenya. Sometimes, like tonight, they are welcomed. I'm looking forward to falling asleep to the beautiful lullaby.
Though I do miss John terribly, I'm enjoying the time to reflect. Just today I was working on
filling out a pregnancy journal my midwife gave me as a Christmas
present. As I filled in the story of how John and I found out we were
pregnant I was blown away again by God's amazing timing and precious
gift of life. Oh how good it is to look back and remember. Below is
what I wrote.
I thought I might be pregnant because:
I was a few days late and every month I hoped & prayed that I was pregnant. Every month was so hard when the reality that I still wasn't pregnant would hit all over again. So being even a few days late was such a mix of emotions. I tried so hard not to get my hopes up, which was impossible. I was scared to take the test coz I didn't want to see yet another negative. But on July 6th I was for days late and couldn't wait any longer. Early that morning while John was still asleep I peed on the stick. Seeing those two lines was indescribable, a rush of emotion. I burst into the room and woke John up by waving it in his face and and just kept saying, "Look, two lines! You see two lines right?" John insists that it was 5am but I'm pretty sure it was more like 7 or 8. Either way, it took John a few minutes to realize what I was saying. I think we were both overwhelmed with emotions we didn't really know how to respond. After losing two pregnancies we felt the need to guard our hearts from more disappointment. In the back of our minds the all too real knowledge that a positive pregnancy test doesn't always mean a healthy pregnancy and baby. Yet in spite of all that, how could our hearts not fill with excitement and joyous anticipation at the thought of this being the answer to our many tearful prayers. Once some of the initial shock wore off we held hands and prayed. It was such a raw and honest prayer. We committed everything into God's hands. We committed our fragile and aching with hope hearts into His will. We embraced whatever His will in the matter would be, whether this meant a healthy pregnancy or not, we knew it was in His hands. We surrendered our will and hopes to Him. We prayed He would guard our hearts and minds from fears, anxiety or doubt from the past experiences. Then we made our requests known to Him and prayed that this time things would be different and we'd have a healthy pregnancy and baby. We prayed a hedge of protection over my womb and body and committed our little one into His care. We decided to go to the hospital to get an HCG test just to confirm the home test. The whole time even at the hospital we both felt such peace and engulfed in God's care and presence. We both felt convicted that this time we wanted to walk in simple faith in God alone and not put our faith in man or the medical system. Not that we wouldn't be wise and involve the medical system where necessary, but not walk in fear like our experience with the ectopic pregnancy. With the ectopic pregnancy we went every other day for another HCG test which caused us so much anxiety and a roller coaster of emotion. And honestly in the end we had no control over what happened anyway and it robbed us of being able to rest in God's sovereignty. The reality is that life and death are in God's hands. Only God can protect and knit together the baby in my womb. When we got the results and confirmed I was pregnant we were overjoyed and our faith journey began.