Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

We are so blessed to be part of such an amazing team here.  Of course Thanksgiving is not a Kenyan holiday but our team always finds a way to celebrate it in such a fun and memorable way.  This year we were blessed to be joined by the Kelly family who are the newest addition to our team.  It was a bitter sweet time though as it will be the last Thanksgiving we spend with the Germo family who have been our team leaders since, well, since forever.  Dan Germo has accepted a position back in Minnesota at the Bethany home office.  We will miss his family terribly and yet we are all at peace that this is God's direction for not only the Germo family but also for Bethany as an organization and for the team here in Kenya.  But no worries, we will not be left like sheep without a shepherd.  Tim Kelly and his family will be taking over the Germo's leadership position here in Kenya as our team's new leaders.  So, with all that we had a fun and memorable Thanksgivings with two quite large turkeys and all the trimmings and 26 people, including children, to help eat it.

And of course the joys of Thanksgiving continues days after the fact with lots of yummy leftovers: